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Police Abuse & Racism Explained By Former Cop


Why Bad Cops Aren’t Punished

“Qualified Immunity” is a law which protects bad cops from being held PERSONALLY responsible so they can be SUED for their conduct. Eliminating Qualified Immunity would make cops think twice about engaging in abusive conduct. Republicans wants to keep Qualified Immunity intact… Democrats want Qualified Immunity eliminated so bad cops can be held accountable.


Militarization of Police: When Tyranny Comes Home

Since the end of the Cold War, SWAT teams have proliferated across the United States and the number of no-knock raids on private citizens has risen dramatically. Abby Hall and Chris Coyne explain that this is the result of the boomerang effect– the process by which, in the absence of strong formal constraints, tactics used in foreign interventions abroad are later used to limit the liberties of people back home.


TRUMP’S America… a POLICE state where Citizens were ATTACKED and MURDERED by Police, the Military, Unidentified Secret Police Attacking and Illegally Detaining Citizens


New data shows that American police officers killed 1,176 civilians in 2022


At least 1,055 people were shot and killed by police during 2021, the highest number since the Washington Post began tracking killings by police officers.


Video shows police in Buffalo, NY shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground during a protest. Seconds later, a pool of blood can be seen near his head.


Police Attacking Journalists Covering George Floyd Protests


Police Escalate Violence at George Floyd Protests Across the U.S.


If You’re Against Antifa, Your Against Democracy & FOR Fascism

Right Wingers are constantly demonizing Antifa (Anti-Fascist) as being BAD. Being against Antifa means your against Democracy and FOR anti-democratic, authoritarian Fascism. German Nazis WERE Fascist.

Also, Right Wingers always seem to equate Black Lives Matter as being one and the same as Antifa. They’ll say “BLM Antifa Protestors” in the same sentence as though a BLM protestor is a automatically a member of “Antifa” or as though BLM = Antifa.  Not true. “Antifa is an ideology, not an organization” stated FBI Director Chris Wray in sworn testimony to congress on September 17, 2020.


The above graphic (created by the Anti-defamation League) shows that it’s overwhelmingly RIGHT WINGERS who are Domestic Terrorist which commit the majority of MURDERS and VIOLENCE in the United States, NOT (BLM) Black Lives Matters or “Antifa”.


Minute-To-Minute Breakdown Leading Up To George Floyd’s Deadly Arrest


To protect and serve often feels more like to threaten and subdue. Law enforcement in the U.S. should be just that… enforcement. What happened to Mike Brown in Ferguson, MO went way beyond that, and it was not an isolated incident.


Police brutality in the US – in 90 seconds


Shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice


43-year old Eric Garner dead after police use excessive force


Sacramento police fire on unarmed black man 20 times, video shows


Black Lives Matter: African-Americans killed by police in 2016




Minneapolis Officers Fired After Fatal Arrest Of Unarmed Black Man

Video of the incident shows that a white police officer had a black man pinned to the ground next to his patrol car with his knee on the man’s neck. MSNBC Legal Analyst Maya Wiley joins to discuss. Aired on 05/26/2020.


Minnesota Officer Assaults Motorist


African-American Woman, Sandy Bland was minding her own business and doing nothing wrong when she was pulled over by a cop. An exchange of words resulted in the cop making an illegal arrest which resulted in the woman’s death.

It is a undeniable fact that if this cop hadn’t ask this woman to get out of the car and made an illegal arrest, she would be alive today.


Outrage over deadly police shooting of bride-to-be in Minneapolis


Officer Pulls Gun on Student Picking Up Trash Outside of Dorm Building


Cop Fired After Stopping Black Shoppers For Being ‘Suspicious’

‘I got my rights to do anything I want to do! I’m a police officer!’ —This Indianapolis cop detained two Black shoppers for being ‘suspicious’ until another officer intervened.


Police Try to Arrest Man for Eating Sandwich on BART Train Platform


Here’s How Many People Police Killed In 2015


Why Colin Kaepernick Took a Knee

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has refused to stand for the playing of the national anthem in protest of wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States. It was US Army veteran, Nate Boyer, who suggested to Kaepernick to take a knee as a sign of respect. This is their inspiring story of what can happen when people with different perspectives decide to sit down, have a conversation, and hear each other out.


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