Police Tase 75 yr/old Causing Heart Attack & Stroke

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Idaho Springs Police Tased a 75 year old man who did nothing wrong & posed no threat, causing his life to be destroyed by a Heart Attack, Stroke and health problems.

This is another example of why “Qualified Immunity” (which Trump supports) should be eliminated, so police can be personally SUED and held accountable for reckless, lawless and despicable conduct.


Bodycam Shows Idaho Police Tasing 75-Year-Old Man, Officer Charged with Assault

The Idaho Springs Police Department released bodycam footage showing an officer tasing a 75-year-old man during an incident on May 30, 2021. Officers responded to a call from a neighbor, who claimed the man hit her in the face. When confronting the accused man, officers believed the man to be allegedly holding a machete. After the man put the object down, Officer Nicholas Hanning tased him after he refused to get on the ground. Hanning was charged with assault and fired from his job at the police department in July 2021. The officer pleaded guilty to assaulting the man and was sentenced to two years of probation.


Settlement reached in case of Michael Clark after lawsuit claiming assault by Idaho Springs police

Michael Clark, a 76-year-old Idaho Springs man who filed a lawsuit in 2021 claiming he was wrongfully assaulted by two police officers, has settled the suit for $7 million.

OPINION: I believe in biblical “Eye for an Eye Justice”. As such, I think the cop who tased the 75 yr/old (who did nothing wrong) should be tased 10 times as part of his punishment. Those who cause pain deserve to get back the pain they caused X10.



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