Arrest of Sandra Bland Ultimately Leads to her Death

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Sandy Bland was a young African-American woman who died in police custody after being arrested for a turn signal violation. New footage has now been released showing the lead up to her arrest. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Jul 22, 2015

“The video of Sandra Bland’s arrest, shot from the dashboard camera inside a police cruiser, shows a contentious confrontation between the officer and the woman who died three days later in a Texas jail cell.

In the video of the July 10 incident, released by the Texas Department of Public Safety on Tuesday afternoon, Bland and Texas State Trooper Brian T. Encinia engage in an argument that escalates until Bland is forcefully arrested and charged on suspicion of assaulting a public servant.”* Jul 22, 2015


Sandra Bland Jailhouse Video Shows Last Moments of Her Life

Texas authorities release new video in the case involving the African-American woman’s death after being arrested during a routine traffic stop.

OPINION: Sandy Bland was minding her own business when she was pulled over by a cop. An exchange of words resulted in the cop making an arrest which resulted in the woman’s death.

It is a undeniable fact that if this cop hadn’t stopped and arrested this woman, she would be alive today. This is another example of why laws need to be changed to make cops legally and financially accountable so the can be SUED for wrong-doing.


$1.9M settlement reached in Sandra Bland case

The family of Sandra Bland has agreed to a $1.9 million settlement in their wrongful death lawsuit against multiple Texas agencies, their attorney says. Bland died in a Texas jail cell three days after being arrested during a traffic stop last year. CBS New justice reporter Paula Reid joins CBSN with more details on the settlement. Sep 15, 2016


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