Journalist and Protestors Blinded by Cops Firing Rubber Bullets

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Man loses eye after being hit by police sponge bullet during George Floyd protest


Man who lost an eye to a projectile during Dallas protests demands answers


Photojournalist blinded in left eye by police projectile in Minneapolis


Investigations into alleged officer misconduct not enough for man permanently injured during curfew

Police departments across the country have come under fire for their handling of what were largely peaceful protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death, which were, in part, against police brutality. In some cases, officials are now investigating alleged officer misconduct.

Per the article above; “Jax Feldmann, (21) said he was blinded in his left eye after being allegedly shot by police with a rubber bullet on May 30 as peaceful protests continued in Denver. “I can’t really work my head around the fact that I wasn’t even protesting, and I still got shot in the eye and now I’m blind,” he said. “I don’t have any explanation as to why they did that and they haven’t come forward with an explanation.”

Feldmann said that he learned on Thursday that in about a year or two, he will completely lose his eye and will need a prosthetic. The doctors gave him the choice to have more surgeries, but said at some point down the road, the outcome of losing his eye was inevitable, according to Feldmann.

“This shouldn’t happen to anyone whether you’re a citizen or an actual criminal and something needs to be done about that … I think we need to ban these non-lethal projectiles” he said.

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