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43 Year Old Eric Garner Killed by Police Using Chokehold

43-year old Eric Garner dead after police use excessive force


No indictment for officer in NYC chokehold death

A New York City police officer was cleared by a grand jury for the chokehold that contributed to the death of Eric Garner in July. Police were trying to arrest the 43-year old Garner for allegedly selling illegal cigarettes. Jim Axelrod reports. Dec 3, 2014


Protests erupt around the U.S. after grand jury decision in Eric Garner chokehold case

Thousands of people took to the streets after a Staten Island grand jury decided to end a criminal case against a white New York police officer whose chokehold on Eric Garner led to the man’s death. Dec 4, 2014

Hits: 89

Botched Sting Operation Led to Four Deaths in Florida

A botched sting operation led to four deaths in Florida, and prosecutors are calling the investigation facts “unusual, suspicious and disturbing.” NBC6 investigative reporter Tony Pipitone joins to discuss. July 16, 2014

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California Highway Patrol Officer Beats 51 Year Old Woman

The California Highway Patrol is investigating whether an officer crossed the line when he repeatedly punched a woman during an arrest in Los Angeles. Jul 9, 2014


911 Tapes Reveal Lead-up to CA Highway Beating

Rev. Sharpton is joined by former prosecutor Seema Ayer and criminal defense attorney Carmen St. George to discuss a variety of criminal cases, including the latest on the beating of a woman by a California highway patrolman.

There is growing outrage over the video of a California highway patrolman beating a women on a Los Angeles freeway. Maisha Allums, daughter of the women in the video, and Caree Harper discuss.


Hits: 122

Stun Grenade Placed into Child’s Crib by Police

Police in Georgia were looking for a drug-dealer and place a stun grenade in the crib of a 22 month-year-old boy. The boy is currently recovering from several injuries and his mother, Alecia Phonesavanh and her attorney Mawuli Davis joins to discuss. July 1, 2014

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Albuquerque, NM Shooting of Homeless Man

A homeless New Mexico man who was illegally camping in the Albuquerque foothills was fatally shot by police. New helmet camera video released by the Albuquerque Police Department on Friday shows the moment 38-year-old James Boyd turns his back to officers and then gets shot dead. Despite overwhelming criticism to the shooting, the department says its officers were justified, KRQE reported. Boyd was shot on Sunday, March 16. Police Chief Gorden Eden said officers approached Boyd, who was sleeping, to speak to him about illegally camping in an open space, according to the Albuquerque Journal.. Mar 25, 2014

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Protesting UC Davis Students Pepper Sprayed

UC Davis students ‘maced’ in Occupy protest October 25, 2013

Video shows cop John Pike pepper spraying students like bugs.

John Pike came to symbolize law enforcement aggression against anti-Wall Street protests at the time when video footage widely aired on TV and the Internet showed him casually dousing demonstrators in the face with a can of pepper spray as they sat on the ground.

Pike was suspended from his job at UC Davis and ultimately left the force in July 2012, but university officials did not disclose the circumstances of his departure.

A scathing 190-page report on the incident found that university officials and UC Davis police used poor judgment and excessive force in the confrontation. And the incident was widely mocked in satirical messages posted on the Internet in which still photos of Pike wielding his pepper spray were inserted into famed works or art or pop culture images.

Officer in UC Davis pepper-spraying incident gets $38,000 in worker’s comp

The university last fall agreed to pay $1 million to settle a lawsuit brought on behalf of the 21 students who got sprayed and later reported suffering panic attacks, trauma and academic problems as a result.

In June of this year, Pike himself filed a worker’s compensation claim with UC Davis over the incident, saying he suffered unspecified psychiatric and nervous system damage, though the document did not explain how he claimed to have been harmed, records show.

UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi had asked prosecutors to look into possible criminal charges against the police officers involved in the pepper-spraying. But the Yolo County District Attorney’s office determined there were no grounds on which to bring a case.

Hits: 72

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New Orleans Cops Beat Up a Retired School Teacher

On October 08, 2005, 64 year old Robert Davis, a retired school teacher was beaten by New Orleans Police Officers, Lance Schilling, Robert Evangelist and Stewart Smith.


Officer Who Beat Teacher Wants Job Back

The officer who was acquitted after beating a retired school teacher wants his job back, but the New Orleans Police Department Superintendent doesn’t want to give it to him.

One of the cops involved, Lance Schilling, was reported to have killed himself with a gunshot to the head some time after this footage.

Hits: 554