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How Police Unions Protect Bad Cops

Who Is Behind Police Unions?

Behind every officer is a police union built to protect them from discipline and keep corrupt power in place.


Police Unions And The Fight To Reform Law Enforcement

After the death of George Floyd in police custody, activists across the US have advocated for a fundamental shift in policing. One hurdle to any significant changes in many localities are police unions, which have significant power over policies that affect police, and the local politicians who would approve and implement them.


NYPD Union Boss RAGES: “Start Treating Us With Some Respect”

Some police officers are getting very offended by people holding them accountable. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks


‘Deeply broken’: Chris Hayes on what Buffalo PD video shows about culture of police

Chris Hayes on video of Buffalo police pushing elderly protester: “In just those 15 seconds, that scene is an entire syllabus on how the culture of policing is broken. What has happened to it, and how it operates, and how it has essentially created a whole that is worse than the sum of its parts.”


Fmr. NYPD Detective Says Unions Contribute To ‘Toxic Police Culture’

Marq Claxton, director of the Black Law Enforcement Alliance, explains how police unions gained power over department discipline and operational issues. He tells Ali Velshi that amid outcry and protests, that influence won’t remain because “times are changing and reform is in the air.” Aired on 6/12/2020.


Police Unions Support Trump

OPINION: Many Police Unions have openly supported Trump, who behaves like a bully… an authoritarian wanna-be dictator who calls the Press the “Enemy of the People”, who has violated his Oath of Office in numerous ways such as Abuse of Power, Obstruction of Justice, Obstruction of Congress, Emoluments Violations, admitted to sexually abusing women on Access Hollywood tape, accused of sexually abusing women by numerous women and engages in the most outrageous, despicable, & UN-Presidential conduct ever seen by a POTUS. Trump has also been condemned by top United States military leaders.


How Police Unions and Arbitrators Keep Abusive Cops on the Street

Officers fired for misconduct often appeal the decision and get reinstated by obscure judges in secretive proceedings. When Frank Serpico, the most famous police whistleblower of his generation, reflected on years of law-enforcement corruption in the New York Police Department, he assigned substantial blame to a commissioner who failed to hold rank-and-file cops accountable.

Officers fired for misconduct often appeal the decision and get reinstated by obscure judges in secretive proceedings.


Protect People, Not Police Lobbyists | News & Commentary | American Civil Liberties Union

On March 13, 2020, Louisville police officers killed Breonna Taylor, a Black medical worker, during a botched no-knock raid on her apartment. Her death was one of the thousands of police killings that drove the largest protests in American history that spring and summer over policing and racism in the United States.

Per the above ALCU  article; “On March 13, 2020, Louisville police officers killed Breonna Taylor, a Black medical worker, during a botched no-knock raid on her apartment. Her death was one of the thousands of police killings that drove the largest protests in American history that spring and summer over policing and racism in the United States. But as demonstrators continued to march in Louisville’s streets, the local Fraternal Order of Police entered into secret negotiations with the city on their next contract, and used that opportunity to lobby for extraordinary protections for officers that would block any meaningful changes to how Louisville approaches public safety”.

“Unfortunately, this practice isn’t isolated: Nearly half the states in the U.S. have laws granting police special protections from investigation and discipline. And in the 46 states that allow police to collectively bargain, 84 percent of police contracts impose at least one significant barrier to disciplining police and fostering genuine public safety, including granting their lobby undue influence over the department budget and scale”.

“To truly ensure police do not continue to act with impunity and in order to scale back the role of police in society, we must address the ways that police lobbyists consistently undermine reform efforts at closed-door collective bargaining tables, in state capitols, and in local and state elections. To create and foster the genuine public safety BIPOC communities are demanding, the ACLU is launching a campaign today to expose the lobbying power of police. This campaign will help dismantle the legal and contractual protections from state laws and local contracts granted through police lobbying power that protect officers with special rights from punishments and consequences, and block our ability to generate holistic public safety systems”.

“Police violence is an all too common form of homicide in the United States: In 2020 alone, police killed 1,127 people. There were only 18 days that year in which a police officer did not kill someone. Black people are three times more likely to be killed by police than white people. In fact, police violence is a leading cause of death for young Black men in the United States; over the course of their lives, about one in every 1,000 Black men can expect to be killed by police”.

“While this is far from a new crisis, widespread use of technology to capture and spread footage of police use of force and killings over social media has forced many more people to acknowledge the scope and depravity of police violence. Major media outlets now regularly cover police violence, and advocates loudly demand bold advances in reducing the role, resources, and power of the police”.

“Police lobby for a status quo that protects them instead of the people, in ways that are extremely problematic and harmful to the communities they purport to serve. When negotiating with city and county officials for local union contracts, police lobby for contract provisions that shield their officers from discipline, allow for police departments to act without any transparency or oversight, and preemptively rule out many of the changes communities are demanding. These contracts can:

  • Ensure that a bulk of local funding is dedicated to police, thereby neglecting other critical social services and resources;
  • Destroy disciplinary records over time so that no one — including the public and future employers — can discover an officer’s previous misconduct;
  • Delay interviews of officers who injured or killed someone so they can “cool off” and restrict how long an officer can be interrogated, who can interrogate them, and the types of questions that can be asked; and
  • Give officers unfair access to information while they are under investigation, including body cam footage, statements of witnesses, and other crucial pieces of evidence.

“In state capitols, police lobbyists are extraordinarily successful at convincing state legislators to kill bills that would reduce the role and power of police and pass legislation that ties the hands of local officials by codifying statewide discipline-evading provisions through Law Enforcement Officer Bill of Rights (LEOBOR) laws. Their success at securing these protections should come as no surprise. Police lobbyists spend millions each year to influence politicians, then leverage that influence to block efforts to hold the police accountable and rig the system in favor of officers who engage in misconduct”.

“Police lobbyists exert largely unseen yet enormous power over elected officials and over the state of public safety in the U.S. Enough is enough. It’s far past time to limit the power of police lobbyists to dictate what public safety looks like. Police violence is its own threat to the safety of community members: There is no public safety if we don’t know which cops kill community members, there is no public safety if police are able to keep their jobs after injuring or killing community members, and there is no public safety when police misconduct is nearly impossible to punish. We need to protect people, not police lobbyists”.

Hits: 203

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Police Brutality Plagues George Floyd Protests

Protests triggered by the killing of George Floyd by police have been the site of further violence by law enforcement against protesters. From the tear-gassing of peaceful protesters outside the White House, to Buffalo police shoving an elderly man to the ground, several incidents have gone viral.

Hits: 269

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NYPD Cop Cars Drive into Large Crowd

NYPD cop cars ‘deliberately’ drive into crowd of George Floyd protesters in Brooklyn

VIDEO shows two NYPD cop cars deliberately drive into a crowd of George Floyd protesters as tensions flare for the fifth night.

Hits: 274

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Police Shove 75 Year Old Man to the Ground

New York police shove 75 year old man to ground in Buffalo during George Floyd protest


Video shows police pushing elderly man to the ground

Fifty-seven police officers in Buffalo, New York, have resigned from the force’s emergency response team following the suspension of two officers who allegedly pushed a 75-year-old protester to the ground, a source close to the situation said. An investigation is underway in a protest incident Gov. Andrew Cuomo called “wholly unjustified and utterly disgraceful.” The man was seriously injured.


‘Deeply broken’: Chris Hayes on what Buffalo PD video shows about culture of police

Chris Hayes on video of Buffalo police pushing elderly protester: “In just those 15 seconds, that scene is an entire syllabus on how the culture of policing is broken. What has happened to it, and how it operates, and how it has essentially created a whole that is worse than the sum of its parts.”


Police Officers Who Shoved 75-Year-Old Protester Won’t Face Felony Charges

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Arrest and Killing of George Floyd

New Security Video Shows Events Leading Up To George Floyd’s Arrest

NBC News obtained over 60 minutes of security footage from a nearby restaurant showing some of the events leading up to George Floyd’s arrest and eventual death. Some of the footage shows two officers arriving at the scene around 8 p.m., removing a man later identified as George Floyd from a car parked on the street, handcuffing and questioning him before eventually walking him across the street as another police car arrives.


How George Floyd Was Killed in Police Custody

The Times has reconstructed the death of George Floyd on May 25. Security footage, witness videos and official documents show how a series of actions by officers turned fatal. (This video contains scenes of graphic violence.)


Video Shows New Angle Of George Floyd’s Arrest With Multiple Officers

Cell phone video appears to show George Floyd on the ground with three officers, while another officer stands next to a police vehicle.

Hits: 230

Cop Spitting on Protester

Disturbing video shows a cop in Richmond, Virginia appear to be spitting on or near a person they detained

Hits: 278

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Philadelphia Cop Beating Protestors with Baton

A Philadelphia police staff inspector has been charged with clubbing a Temple University student during a rally and a Delaware County police leader is under investigation following a social media post as calls against police brutality grow across the country.

Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner announced Friday he is filing aggravated assault and related charges against Philadelphia Police Staff Inspector Joseph Bologna for an incident involving a Temple University student on Monday.

Video posted on social media shows a police officer shove a protester on the Ben Franklin Parkway, then hit someone on the head with a baton.

The District Attorney’s Office says the video is of Philadelphia Police Staff Inspector Joseph Bologna committing a crime.


Hits: 282

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Police Using Tasers to Punish, Torture & Kill People

“The effects that stun guns cause to your body are literally shocking”

*Editor’s note: the statements from 0:13 to 0:20 are incorrect. The shock from a stun gun is more similar to that of an electric fence. We apologize and regret the error.*”

DISCLAIMER: The above is the description from Youtube written by the entity which produced the video


Police have killed over a thousand people using Tasers. A use-of-force expert says the weapon should be banned.

The less-than-lethal weapon has resulted in over a thousand deaths of people between 2000 and 2018, a Reuters investigation found.

Per the above article: “Police have killed over a thousand people using Tasers. A use-of-force expert says the weapon should be banned”

“Hours after being tased, the 31-year-old English teacher and cousin of Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors went into cardiac arrest and died at the hospital.

“The police are supposed to be here to protect and serve the people, and yet they abuse their authority and have a lack of respect for human life,” Dominique Anderson, the younger sister of Anderson, said in a news conference following the release of body camera footage of her brother’s death.

he deaths disproportionately affect Black people, Reuters found. Black people accounted for 32% of deaths, despite only making 14% of the US population, while white people made up 29% of deaths, despite making up 60% of the population.

“The Taser directly caused the death of Mr. Anderson, I believe,” Kalfani Turè, an assistant professor at Mount Saint Mary’s University, told Insider.

Turè, a former police officer who now researches use-of-force incidents, explained that many police departments have no rules limiting how stun guns are used because of the false notion that Tasers are non-lethal — despite overwhelming evidence that they can kill people. Turè — who is against the current use of Tasers — also pointed out that their use could potentially set people on fire.

Anderson’s family filed a $50-million wrongful-death claim against the city of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Times reported, which alleged the use of the stun gun resulted in injuries that led to Anderson’s death”.


Police Torture Teen With Taser

Jordan Norris was restrained and deputies repeatedly used a taser on him. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down


Colorado Cops Strap Woman To Chair, Torture Her With Taser Over Refusing To Sign Ticket!

A Boulder County woman got an unfortunate lesson in police brutality recently and the video of it looks like something out of 1930s Germany. After attempting to exercise her rights not to incriminate herself, she found out the hard way police will not only taser you when you’re in handcuffs, but they’ll taser you when you’re completely restrained.

Lauren Gotthelf filed a federal civil rights lawsuit Tuesday against several officers and the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office.


Virginia Cop Tasers Man Having Medical Emergency May 23, 2015


Florida teen dies from police taser

CNN’s Brooke Baldwin talks with Mike Brooks and Nick Valencia about a FL teen that was killed after the police tased him


Man dies after being tased by Jeffersontown police officer

Christopher Roberts died one day after he was tased by a police officer at a Jeffersontown motel.


Unarmed black man dies after being repeatedly tasered by police in Virginia

Distressing CCTV footage shows Virginia police officers repeatedly tasing an unarmed black man after he was arrested following a noise complaint at a hotel, he later died. Report by Jennifer Cordingley.


Body camera footage shows Florida man being tasered 15 times before death at hands of police

Police body camera footage released last week shows a Destin man being tasered 15 times before he stopped breathing and died last year in the back seat of a car on Interstate 85 in Georgia.


Man dies after being tasered by police


Man killed by police Taser

A young man has died after being tasered in the chest by police in Sydney’s south-west.


Video shows Arizona cops tasering a man 11 times, including on the testicles, as his horrified family scream for them to stop

SHOCK VIDEO: Cops Torture Dad in Front of Kids, Taser Him 11 Times, Including in the Testicles

A horrifying video has surfaced capturing a police officer torturing a man with a taser, hitting him 11 times, including in the testicles.


U.N.: Tasers Are A Form Of Torture

“Stun Guns” Are Under Fire After Six Deaths This Week; Rallies Held Demanding They Be Banned

Per the above article; “A United Nations committee said that use of Taser weapons can be a form of torture, in violation of the U.N. Convention Against Torture.

Use of the electronic stun devices by police has been marked with a sudden rise in deaths – including four men in the United States and two in Canada within the last week.

Canadian authorities are taking a second look at them, and in the United States, there is a wave of demands to BAN them”.

The definition of Torture is; “the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something“.

It is CLEAR… the extreme agony caused by ELECTRIC SHOCK from Tasers fits the definition of Torture AND Cruel & Unusual Punishment.


Tasers Kills, are Used to Punish & Torture and Should be OUTLAWED


Reuters documented more than 1,000 incidents since 2000 in which their Tasers have killed people


Police Union Is Lobbying To Expand Powers To Tase People Who Don’t Pose a Threat

Investigative reporting about corporate malfeasance and government wrongdoing, analysis of national and world affairs, and cultural criticism that matters.


Reuters finds 1,005 deaths in U.S. involving Tasers, largest accounting to date

More than 1,000 people in the U.S. have died after police stunned them with Tasers, and the stun gun was ruled to be a cause or contributing factor in 153 of those deaths, a Reuters examination found.

Per the above article; “More than 1,000 people in the U.S. have died after police stunned them with Tasers, and the stun gun was ruled to be a cause or contributing factor in 153 of those deaths, a Reuters examination found.

In the most thorough accounting to date of fatal police encounters involving the paralyzing stun guns, Reuters found that nine in 10 of those who died were unarmed and one in four suffered from mental illness or neurological disorders. Taser International Inc, the stun gun’s manufacturer, said its weapons are almost never to blame when someone dies after being stunned. Taser this year changed its name to Axon Enterprise Inc (AAXN.O).

Reuters collected autopsy results for 712 of the more than 1,000 deaths it documented in police incidents where Tasers were used. Nearly all those deaths occurred since 2000, when Tasers began gaining popularity with U.S. police. A majority of the deaths involved other types of force such as batons or pepper spray.

This story is the first in a series, “Shock Tactics,” about the weapon that transformed American policing. To read the story, click here


Tasers Overused and Misused by New York Police: Report –

Most Taser gun use by New York police departments fail to meet the appropriate criteria for when officers should shock suspects, with 15 percent of Taser

Per the above article: “Most Taser gun use by New York police departments fail to meet the appropriate criteria for when officers should shock suspects, with 15 percent of Taser shootings being clearly inappropriate, according to the findings of a new report.

The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) released a report on Taser overuse and misuse (pdf), which highlights some disturbing trends, including minimal oversight and many cases of outright police brutality involving use of the weapons.

According to the report, officers routinely use Taser weapons to shock subjects who were unarmed and posed no physical threat. In addition, officers rarely issued any kind of verbal warning before firing their Taser weapons.

The NYCLU report looked at 851 incident reports involving Taser user from eight police departments, and judged them with 10 different police departments’ Taser use policies.

“These records show that officers misuse and overuse these weapons, resorting directly to Tasers rather than less intrusive police tactics to calm, subdue or arrest people they encounter,” NYCLU concluded. “While some studies tout the benefits of Tasers as a tool for law enforcement, the absence of sound policy, training and guidelines to direct the powerful weapons’ proper, lawful use contributes to this disturbing pattern of misuse and overuse and puts the state’s residents and visitors at unnecessary and unjustifiable risk.”

Among their findings the NYCLU determined that about 60% of all Taser incident reports examined did not meet the criteria for when a Taser should be used, and in 15% of those cases the use of the weapon was clearly inappropriate.

Unarmed and nonaggressive subjects were frequently shot with Taser weapons, with some suspects already handcuffed or restrained. In other cases, the suspects were only verbally noncompliant with a police order or passively resistant, which are cases that do not fit criteria for firing a Taser on them. Only 15% of the cases examined actually involved individuals who were armed.

More than a third of the cases examined involved multiple or prolonged shocks with the Taser weapons, and in 27 percent of the incidents police officers directly shot the Taser into the victim’s chest, against the 2009 recommendations of Taser International, the manufacturer, which instructed law enforcement agencies to avoid administering shocks to the chest in order to avoid causing heart problems.

The researchers also found that the subjects were shocked without verbal warning in 75% of the incidents examined. Half of the police jurisdictions looked at did not require a warning before shooting a Taser gun.

In 40 percent of the cases, Tasers were used against at-risk subjects like children, the elderly, the mentally ill, the physically infirm or subjects that were drunk. In 30% of those cases, the subject was mentally disturbed and was involved in no criminal activity at the time. In all of the incidents where police recorded the race of the target, 58% of those stunned were African Americans or Latinos”.




Taser International Lobbyists

Taser International spent $60,000 lobbying in 2014. See the lobbyists it hired.


On the Records: A Shocking Lobby Gift

A lawmaker who has fought to regulate “stun guns” last year got a TASER from the company’s lobbyist.



First State Legalizes Taser Drones for Cops, Thanks to a Lobbyist

North Dakota police can now fire everything from stun guns to tear gas from flying robots thanks to a lobbyist from Big Drone.


OPINION:  It’s an outrage that such dangerous devises as tasers are legal and another example of how our government isn’t doing it’s job to protect citizens.

I think the families of ANYONE who dies or suffers pain after being SHOCKED with a TASER should SUE the City & Police Department responsible, and also sue the manufacture of the taser used for everything they’ve got.

Apparently that’s what it’s gonna take to put a stop to ELETRO-TORTURE by cops.

Electricity should be used to POWER APPLIANCES… NOT to TORTURE, PUNISH or cause PAIN to Human Beings and Animals




In the past three years, more than 70 people are reported to have died in the USA and Canada after being struck by M26 or…

In the past three years, more than 70 people are reported to have died in the USA and Canada after being struck by M26 or…


Lethal force? Tasers are meant to save lives, yet hundreds die after their use by police

The April 11 shooting death of Daunte Wright highlights problems with police use of Tasers that have contributed to at least 500 deaths since 2010.


Police officers could be sued over unconstitutional Taser use, courts find

A federal court recently put police on notice: They could lose on-the-job immunity from civil lawsuits if they use a Taser to shock suspects in the face of nonviolent resistance.In a ruling this year from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, which includes Maryland, a panel of judges found it unlawful to […]

Police officers could be sued over unconstitutional Taser use, courts find

A federal court recently put police on notice: They could lose on-the-job immunity from civil lawsuits if they use a Taser to shock suspects in the face of nonviolent resistance.


Police with Tasers: Sanctioned Torture & Summary Execution In America

Franklin Roosevelt knew of the Pearl Harbor at least attack 6 weeks before it happened. I had first hand telephone conversations with retired Navy officer Duane Whitlock before he passed away in which he told me that he was part of the Navy decoding team that deciphered the Japanese code in the late 1930s.


Deadly weapons: We must ban Tasers

The United Nations Committee Against Torture said in 2007 that “TASER electronic stun guns are a form of torture that can kill”. These deadly “forms of torture”, which are now part of policing in every Australian state, killed again on March 18.



Shock Tactics: Inmate deaths reveal “torturous” use of Tasers

In a national look at Taser deaths behind bars, Reuters finds 104 fatalities after inmates were stunned, often with other force. Abuses stir torture concerns.


Taser Guns Used By Police Can Seriously Harm or Kill People – Police Brutality

George Floyd’s death in May 2020 reminded everyone that police brutality must stop, and proper respect must be regularly shown to blacks and all other citizens. Far too often, police officers use guns, tasers, rubber bullets and tear gas when better options are available.



Hits: 1280

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Police at Protests Are Concealing Their Identities

Police at protests across the U.S. are hiding their badge numbers, names, and other forms of identification, making it even harder to hold officers accountable for violence and misconduct.

Hits: 258

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NYPD Officer Under Investigation for Shoving Protester

NYPD Officer Under Investigation for Shoving Protester after Distressing Video Emerges

Hits: 299