Category Archives: Uncategorized

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LAPD Police Beats Protesters With Baton

Video shows LAPD Cop using his baton to hit protesters, despite what seemed to be a peaceful march

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Mask Ripped Off Protestor By Cop and Pepper-Sprayed in Face

Man Speaks Out After Being Pepper-Sprayed By Police

An NYPD officer is under investigation after he pulled down a protestors mask and pepper sprayed him

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Journalist and Protestors Blinded by Cops Firing Rubber Bullets

Man loses eye after being hit by police sponge bullet during George Floyd protest


Man who lost an eye to a projectile during Dallas protests demands answers


Photojournalist blinded in left eye by police projectile in Minneapolis


Investigations into alleged officer misconduct not enough for man permanently injured during curfew

Police departments across the country have come under fire for their handling of what were largely peaceful protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death, which were, in part, against police brutality. In some cases, officials are now investigating alleged officer misconduct.

Per the article above; “Jax Feldmann, (21) said he was blinded in his left eye after being allegedly shot by police with a rubber bullet on May 30 as peaceful protests continued in Denver. “I can’t really work my head around the fact that I wasn’t even protesting, and I still got shot in the eye and now I’m blind,” he said. “I don’t have any explanation as to why they did that and they haven’t come forward with an explanation.”

Feldmann said that he learned on Thursday that in about a year or two, he will completely lose his eye and will need a prosthetic. The doctors gave him the choice to have more surgeries, but said at some point down the road, the outcome of losing his eye was inevitable, according to Feldmann.

“This shouldn’t happen to anyone whether you’re a citizen or an actual criminal and something needs to be done about that … I think we need to ban these non-lethal projectiles” he said.

Hits: 336

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Cop Spitting On Protestor

In this disturbing video, which contains previously unreleased footage obtained from a witness, police officers in Richmond, Virginia c on or near a person they detained.
An RPD statement denied the incident, claiming a slow-motion analysis of earlier footage showed officers spat into the grass. But the detained person, Garrett Canning, asks why “were they spitting so close to me in the first place?”

The incident occurred after police fired gas canisters into a crowd of peaceful protesters, an action the department called “unwarranted” when it issued an apology. Canning says no one read them their rights.

Hits: 211

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Atlanta Police Tase Students Driving Home from Protest

Atlanta Police Tase Students Driving Home from George Floyd Protest

Two Atlanta police officers were fired after tasing college students driving home from a protest for George Floyd


College students tased, dragged from car during protest speak out


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Breonna Taylor Killed In Her Bedroom by Police

26-year-old woman killed during what her family’s attorney calls “botched” execution of warrant

The family of Breonna Taylor is suing the Louisville Police Department for gross negligence and wrongful death after she was shot as part of an early morning narcotics investigation in March. Jericka Duncan reports.


Breonna Taylor shooting: 911 calls released

Kenneth Walker was on the phone with a Metro EMS dispatcher for two minutes after Louisville Metro Police officers shot his girlfriend, 26-year-old Breonna Taylor.


Detective in Breonna Taylor facing lawsuit in separate case

One of the LMPD detectives in the Taylor shooting is facing more criticism in a separate federal lawsuit in a different case.


Lawyer for Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor Family Speaks Out


Hits: 330

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14-Year-Old Beaten by Cop While Pinned to Ground

A California cop pinned down and beat this 14-year-old kid who had asked an adult stranger to buy him a cigar

Hits: 362

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Black Men Accurately Predicted They’d Be Pulled Over by Police

Watch what happened just moments after two Black men predicted they’d be pulled over by police.

Hits: 438

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Officers Nearly Beat Innocent College Student to Death

Officers Nearly Beat Innocent College Student to Death—Then Claim Immunity from All Accountability

You probably don’t know it, but federal agents are working closely with police where you live. Over the past few decades, joint task forces staffed by both state and federal police have become common. They now number more than one thousand. As a result of these federal/state partnerships, the government often plays what amounts to a shell game that makes it impossible to hold individual officers to account if they violate someone’s constitutional rights by, for example, engaging in police brutality or other misdeeds.

Hits: 371

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Police Caught Violently Arresting Michigan Man With Disability

Video shows Michigan police violently arresting and laughing at a black man (Jason Spicer) with a disability. A whistleblower within the state police claims this is just the tip of the iceberg

Per the an article at;

“Jason Spicer celebrated his birthday with quite a bit of alcohol and was on his way home. Michigan State Troopers Mark Carroll and Ronald Darling pulled him over. According to Carroll’s report, Spicer was weaving and driving 90 mph. There is no doubt that Spicer was driving under the influence but just because a person has broken the law doesn’t mean officers have a right to abuse you”.

Excessive Use of Force

“When Trooper Carroll approaches the driver’s side door he instructs Spicer to exit the vehicle. Per Trooper Carroll’s own words, Spicer said, “I’m going to get out, but hold on, I got, I got trouble walking.” Spicer puts his hands out of the window to show they are empty then tells the officers that he needs his cane. As Spicer gets his cane, Trooper Carroll reaches in and yanks it out of his hands then pulls Spicer out, taking him down so hard that Spicer’s face slams into the ground.

“While Spicer is being handcuffed and eventually walked to the police vehicle, he says at least twice that he has nerve damage. Trooper Carroll ignores him and kicks Spicers legs apart causing Spicer to groan in pain”.

Bragging Rights

“You will see in the video below, that the two troopers are bragging, laughing and joking with the booking officers, about what happened. And we all know that whenever someone is bragging they usually embellish the story”.

“When Trooper Carroll is bragging about the incident to the booking officers he says that Spicer started swinging the cane but that doesn’t make any sense. Spicer was in the car. There was no room for him to swing the cane. In the video you can see Carroll pulling the cane away from Spice with the cane being mostly vertical. The bottom is angled forward slightly and the hook part is angled back slightly. This would be the exact position the cane would be in when a person would use it to get out of a car”.


OPINION: This is yet another example of how SOME cops are SADISTIC BASTARDS who enjoy inflicting pain on others… who feel their purpose is NOT to “Protect & Serve” but to “Subdue, Torture and Beat Into Submission!”

Hits: 376