Louisiana’s Long History of Police Brutality, Corruption and Abuse

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Videos exposes Louisiana’s long History of Police Brutality, Corruption and Law Enforcement Abuse against citizens

Louisiana Cops Covered Up Police Brutality. A new report from the Associated Press shows the depths to which Louisiana state troopers went to cover up alleged brutality over the past decade. Ana Kasparian, Nina Turner, and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks


AP Obtains New Police Body Camera And Autopsy Of Ronald Greene

NBC News correspondent Priscilla Thompson and MSNBC legal analyst Barbara McQuade join Ayman to discuss new information in the death of Ronald Greene.


The Associated Press published a video, which authorities had refused to release, of the deadly arrest of Ronald Greene two years ago by Louisiana state troopers, showing them stunning, punching and dragging the unarmed man.


Louisiana trooper recorded saying he beat the ‘ever-living f—‘ out of Black man who then died

In graphic, matter-of-fact chatter picked up on his body-camera mic, a Louisiana State trooper implicated in the death of a Black man can be heard talking of beating and choking him before “all of a sudden he just went limp.”

Per the above article; “In graphic, matter-of-fact chatter picked up on his body-camera mic, a Louisiana State trooper implicated in the death of a Black man can be heard talking of beating and choking him before “all of a sudden he just went limp.”

“I beat the ever-living FUCK out of him,” the trooper said in a 27-second audio clip obtained by The Associated Press”.

“It is the most direct evidence to emerge yet in the death last year of Ronald Greene, which troopers initially blamed on injuries from a car crash at the end of a chase. The long-simmering case has now become the subject of a federal civil rights investigation and growing calls for authorities to release the full body-cam video”.

OPINION; Cops who repeatedly tasered Ronald Greene, bragged about beating the FUCK out him and caused his death, should be ARRESTED and charged with MURDER.  If found guilty by a court of law, those responsible deserve being FRIED in the ELECTRIC CHAIR!


The above video shows New Orleans Police Officers beating a 64 year old black retired school teacher.


Louisiana Law Enforcement exposed (in an explosive 1997 investigative report) stopping innocent motorists on I-10, then seizing their money and property.


60 Minutes Report about Abuse & Crimes in the 1990’s by the New Orleans Police Dept (NOPD)


Federal prosecutors charged 16 New Orleans Police Department officers for crimes committed following Hurricane Katrina.


Murder of Kim Groves by NOPD’s Len Davis in New Orleans


Investigations of alleged corruption and drug trafficking within the New Orleans Police Department during the 1990’s. Unravel the mystery alongside the FBI’s greatest law enforcers and forensic scientists.


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