Police Attacking Journalists Covering George Floyd Protests

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Police Attacking Journalists Covering George Floyd Protests


Opinion | Police attacks on journalists covering George Floyd protests echo Trump’s war on press


Police Unions Support Trump

OPINION: Many Police Unions have openly supported Trump, who behaves like a bully, authoritarian wanna-be dictator who calls the Press the “Enemy of the People”, who has violated his Oath of Office in numerous ways such as Abuse of Power, Obstruction of Justice, Obstruction of Congress, Emoluments Violations, admitted to sexually abusing women on Access Hollywood tape, accused of sexually abusing women by numerous women and engages in the most outrageous, despicable, & UN-Presidential conduct ever seen by a POTUS. Trump has also been condemned by top United States military leaders.



OPINION: It’s clear, the reason Trump hates the press is because they expose his LIES and outrageous behavior.  According to fact checkers, Trump has made over 16,000 false or misleading statements since becoming President so he has ZERO credibility…. NOTHING he says can be believed.

Police who has been attacking the Press with rubber bullets and pepper-spray may be doing so because they are Trump supporters, and because the Press has been reporting Cops violence and despicable behavior at George Floyd Protests.

People who call the Press “Fake News” have been brainwashed into believing Right-Wing propaganda. The Mainstream News Media must be truthful or they will be called out by other news reporting sources.



How Trump Has Been Acting Like a Dictator | Op-Ed


As shown in videos on this page, police fired DIRECTLY at journalist, pepper sprayed them and arrested them for no good reason. They appeared to exhibit hatred, echo by Trump’s war on the press. There seems a connection in the violence directed towards journalists and Trump’s calling the press “The enemy of the people”.

Also, videos all over the internet show Police taking action to ILLEGALLY stop people from videoing them when they are engaging in reprehensible, and in some cases illegal, lawless activity.

Police who attack journalist (and bystanders)…take action to stop them from videoing are exhibiting totalitarian “Police State” authoritarian behavior. This is a threat to democracy and must not be tolerated.

OPINION: I think every Journalist who was wrongfully attacked or arrested should SUE. Videos on this page would stand up in court as evidence.


More than 100 attacks on journalists by US police during George Floyd protests

As police crack down on the George Floyd protests in the US, journalists have also found themselves being targeted.
DW’s correspondent Stefan Simons was shot at with rubber bullets in Minneapolis at the weekend. In a second incident, Simons and his crew were shot at again as they tried to drive away from police. Simons says he has been harassed by police several times while reporting on the protests.

Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has insisted that journalists must be allowed to do their job reporting on the unrest in the US.


CNN reporter arrested live on air while covering Minneapolis protests


Some on-air journalists have become the target of attacks while covering clashes between police and protesters following George Floyd’s death.


Journalists Covering Protests Are Being Attacked By Police Across America

“I am press,” they said. It didn’t matter. Journalists across America are being attacked by police while covering the nationwide protests.


Baltimore police officer confronts CNN reporter

A Baltimore police officer confronted CNN’s Miguel Marquez about where the media could stand while reporting on the city’s curfew and the arrests of protesters.


Minneapolis police shoot at, threaten to arrest DW reporter


Reporter shot with pepper bullets on live TV during Louisville protest over death of Breonna Taylor

As protests over the killing of Breonna Taylor, a Black woman fatally shot by police in her apartment, continued for a second night in Louisville, Kentucky, the demonstrations once again escalated, with police clashing with protesters and journalists.

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