Police Caught Violently Arresting Michigan Man With Disability

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Video shows Michigan police violently arresting and laughing at a black man (Jason Spicer) with a disability. A whistleblower within the state police claims this is just the tip of the iceberg

Per the an article at thebexarcountyjail.com/in-the-news/michigan-state-police-officers-assault-disabled-man;

“Jason Spicer celebrated his birthday with quite a bit of alcohol and was on his way home. Michigan State Troopers Mark Carroll and Ronald Darling pulled him over. According to Carroll’s report, Spicer was weaving and driving 90 mph. There is no doubt that Spicer was driving under the influence but just because a person has broken the law doesn’t mean officers have a right to abuse you”.

Excessive Use of Force

“When Trooper Carroll approaches the driver’s side door he instructs Spicer to exit the vehicle. Per Trooper Carroll’s own words, Spicer said, “I’m going to get out, but hold on, I got, I got trouble walking.” Spicer puts his hands out of the window to show they are empty then tells the officers that he needs his cane. As Spicer gets his cane, Trooper Carroll reaches in and yanks it out of his hands then pulls Spicer out, taking him down so hard that Spicer’s face slams into the ground.

“While Spicer is being handcuffed and eventually walked to the police vehicle, he says at least twice that he has nerve damage. Trooper Carroll ignores him and kicks Spicers legs apart causing Spicer to groan in pain”.

Bragging Rights

“You will see in the video below, that the two troopers are bragging, laughing and joking with the booking officers, about what happened. And we all know that whenever someone is bragging they usually embellish the story”.

“When Trooper Carroll is bragging about the incident to the booking officers he says that Spicer started swinging the cane but that doesn’t make any sense. Spicer was in the car. There was no room for him to swing the cane. In the video you can see Carroll pulling the cane away from Spice with the cane being mostly vertical. The bottom is angled forward slightly and the hook part is angled back slightly. This would be the exact position the cane would be in when a person would use it to get out of a car”.


OPINION: This is yet another example of how SOME cops are SADISTIC BASTARDS who enjoy inflicting pain on others… who feel their purpose is NOT to “Protect & Serve” but to “Subdue, Torture and Beat Into Submission!”

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