Police Drag Elderly Black Woman From Car By Her Hair

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A Black woman was allegedly grabbed by the hair and pulled out of her SUV by North Carolina police during a traffic stop in 2019 after she was driving 10 miles per hour over the speed limit and failed to stop for law enforcement, according to a civil lawsuit filed last week.

Four law enforcement officers are named in the federal lawsuit filed in US District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina. The lawsuit seeks monetary damages for the alleged use of excessive force and unlawful search of the plaintiff’s purse and vehicle.

Stephanie Bottom was driving on May 30, 2019, along Interstate 85 from Georgia to North Carolina to attend her great aunt’s funeral, her attorney Scott Holmes told CNN on Tuesday. The then-66-year-old librarian from Fulton County, Georgia, was listening to music and didn’t initially see the flashing blue lights coming from the police vehicle behind her, Holmes said.

According to the lawsuit, Bottom did not believe she was driving fast and did not think the police were trying to stop her.


Dash cam footage show police officers pulling a 65-year-old grandmother out of her car and arresting her during a traffic stop outside Atlanta.

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